Friday, January 8, 2010

David Price Voting Record

Votes David has made that I fundamentally disagree with and why:

David Price was one of the 75 Legislatures that voted to continue to fund ACORN after it was proven they were violating numerous laws to advise patrons on how to hide illegal and immoral actions.

No to Immigration Law Enforcement Act of 2006 HR 6095: To affirm the inherent authority of State and local law enforcement to assist in the enforcement of immigration laws, to provide for effective prosecution of alien smugglers, and to reform immigration litigation procedures. I believe the U.S. needs to strictly enforce immigration laws to ensure the safety and prosperity of the American Citizens.

No for Term Limits - Vote to adopt a joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment limiting Congressional terms to six full terms for House members, and two full terms for Senators. I believe elected officials should be able to meet their stated goals and achievements within the guidelines set or be removed in favor of a candidate who can.

Yes for Resolution of Disapproval of Representative Joe Wilson's Conduct. Mr Wilson's conduct in expression of his opinion was no different than the repetitive standing ovations of the House. In fact Representative Wilson was exactly correct in his statement since the Health Care Bill was amended to include verbiage requiring proof of citizenship for coverage.

No for Election Reform Act HR 4844: To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to require each individual who desires to vote in an election for Federal office to provide the appropriate election official with a government-issued photo identification, and for other purposes. I believe it is the responsibility of American Citizens to elect officials and proof of citizenship should be required.

Yes for the Energy Bill - A bill that will fundamentally limit energy sources with questionable affects on the environment shouldered at the cost of Americans shoulders during a time of crisis in everyday American's lives.

Yes for Cash for Clunkers - Incentives for Trade In of auto for Fuel Efficient vehicles. This program was nothing more than a shill for support of UAW and GM again to prop up businesses guilty of mis-management and unethical behavior.

Yes for National Volunteer Program Expansion - The citizens of the United States of America are the most generous people in the world giving both money and time for worthy causes. This is their own individual decision. They do not need to be given government incentives to do so. The Federal Government is fiscally overdrawn and should only be funding the highest priority items.

Yes for TARP in 2008 - Under the Capitalist System businesses that fail to manage their money, practices and ethics deserve to fail.

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